Štandardné motory

Asynchrónne motory

  • Výkon: -
  • Celosvetové certifikáty a povolenia
  • Triedy účinnosti: IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4

NEW: Design update of the NORD IE3 asynchronous motors. The optimisation of the motor series includes many details that lead to an improvement in function, assembly and service of the motors. This includes the design update of the fan cover that is now quick to assemble and disassemble thanks to the simple click mechanism as well as the optimised incremental encoder assembly. It allows retrofitting the incremental encoder.

  • brzdy (BRE), dvojitá brzda (DBR+), inkrementálny snímač otáčok (IG), externý ventilátor (F)
  • Ochrana motora: tepelné čidlo (TF), tepelný snímač (TW), nezávislé vyhrievanie (SH)
  • Pripojenie motora: motorová zástrčka (MS)

Štandardné asynchrónne motory značky NORD spĺňajú všetky bežné predpisy účinnosti, sú dostupné vo všetkých medzinárodných štandardoch a s rôznymi prvkami výbavy, napríklad:

B1091 - Návod na obsluhu motorov

B1091 - Návod na obsluhu motorov
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Detaily dokumentov

TI80_0043 - Technical Information - WEEE - Disposal According to "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive – ElektroG3"

TI80_0043 - Technical Information - WEEE - Disposal According to
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Detaily dokumentov

M7000 - Asynchrónne motory

M7000 - Asynchrónne motory
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Detaily dokumentov

M7000 - Addendum - Addendum M7000: Safety Encoder

M7000 - Addendum - Addendum M7000: Safety Encoder
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Detaily dokumentov


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Detaily dokumentov

S4200 - Der Antrieb, Reliable Flexible International

S4200 - Der Antrieb, Reliable Flexible International
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Detaily dokumentov

PL 1090 - Spare part list - NORD Motors

PL 1090 - Spare part list - NORD Motors
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Detaily dokumentov

C240001 - Certificate Marine and Offshore

C240001 - Certificate Marine and Offshore
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Detaily dokumentov

C261003 - UL Certificate for NORD 3-Phase Asynchronous Motors

C261003 - UL Certificate for NORD 3-Phase Asynchronous Motors
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Detaily dokumentov

C261004 - UL Certificate for NORD 3-Phase Synchronous Motors

C261004 - UL Certificate for NORD 3-Phase Synchronous Motors
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