How is a frequency inverter built?
This will be the topic of our fourth blog post “How a frequency inverter is built: A look behind the scenes in Aurich“. Why the district town Aurich? Although Aurich is the centre of the central East Friesland region, in a beautiful location and close to the sea, it is so far largely unknown as the origin point of technological breakthroughs. This oversight is something we would like to correct in our blog post by taking you on a short journey through our modern series production facility for electronic components - which also allows for small batch sizes thanks to flexible production. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS has been producing and developing frequency inverters in the heart of East Frisia since 1984. Whether they are used in Europe, China or the USA, the cradle of all electronic NORD components is in our NORD manufacturing facility in Aurich. Drive solutions from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS distinguish themselves by their innovative technology, extraordinary quality and reliability as well as by their vertical integration. All quality-determining components are produced in our own factories, including research and development.
The development of drive electronics at the Aurich site originally began with the emergence of the first modern wind turbines in the early 1980s, since inverter technology is essential for the wind energy’s processing and feeding into the distribution networks. This was how a technology site emerged right at the source, providing the foundation stone for frequency inverters engineered and made in Germany, setting standards to this day.