UNICASE Ploché elektroprevodovky

Štíhle a výkonné

  • Výkon: 0.16 HP - 268 HP
  • Krútiaci moment: 974 lb-inch - 885,075 lb-in
Veľkosti: 15
Pracovná poloha: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6

V kombinácii s centrálnymi alebo decentralizovanými frekvenčnými meničmi poskytujú ploché elektroprevodovky maximálnu účinnosť a hospodárnosť pre širokú škálu systémových riešení. Koncept skrine UNICASE zaručuje dlhý životný cyklus a nízku údržbu.

  • Plné a duté hriadele (pero-drážka, gripmaxx, zverný spoj)
  • násuvné, prírubové a pätkové vyhotovenie a vyhotovenie pre závitovkové dopravníky CEMA
  • Prevodovka s rovnobežnými hriadeľmi

  • Štíhla konštrukcia pre priestorovo úspornú montáž
  • vyhotovenie skrine zo sivej liatiny ponúka výhodu robustnosti
  • vysoko účinné, preto s nízkymi prevádzkovými nákladmi
  • rôzne koncepcie ložísk garantujú vysokú axiálnu a radiálnu zaťažiteľnosť
  • Tichý chod
  • robustná konštrukcia pre dlhú životnosť a jednoduchosť údržby
  • Voliteľne: Vyhotovenie Drywell pre mixéry a miešadlá
  • nízke nároky na údržbu, preto jednoduché na ošetrovanie
  • špecifické vyhotovenia pre rôzne aplikácie

B1000 - Prevodovky

B1000 - Prevodovky
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B2000 - Návod na obsluhu a údržbu

B2000 - Návod na obsluhu a údržbu
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F1300 - Complete drive solutions from a single source

F1300 - Complete drive solutions from a single source
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B1000 - Prevodovky

B1000 - Prevodovky
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B2000 - Návod na obsluhu a údržbu

B2000 - Návod na obsluhu a údržbu
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SUCO - SUCO Centrifugal Brakes

SUCO - SUCO Centrifugal Brakes
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TI 80_0042 - Technical Information / Data Sheet - Oil Quantity

TI 80_0042 - Technical Information / Data Sheet - Oil Quantity
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G1000_IE3 - G1000 gearboxes and geared motors - IE3

G1000_IE3 - G1000 gearboxes and geared motors - IE3
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G5000 - Gear Units & Gear Motors IE5+

G5000 - Gear Units & Gear Motors IE5+
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TI60-0004 - Super Premium Efficient Motors

TI60-0004 - Super Premium Efficient Motors
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A6032 - Drive Solution for Stage Technology

A6032 - Drive Solution for Stage Technology
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A6034 - Drive Solutions for the Metals Industry

A6034 - Drive Solutions for the Metals Industry
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A6035 - Drive solutions for the crane industry

A6035 - Drive solutions for the crane industry
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A6045 - Drive Solutions for the Grain Industry

A6045 - Drive Solutions for the Grain Industry
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AS0011 - Drive Solutions for Screw Conveyors

AS0011 - Drive Solutions for Screw Conveyors
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AS0012 - Drive Solutions for Drag/Chain Conveyors

AS0012 - Drive Solutions for Drag/Chain Conveyors
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AS0013 - Intralogistics - Pouch Sorter Application

AS0013 - Intralogistics - Pouch Sorter Application
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AS0014 - Intralogistics - Pallet Conveyor Technology

AS0014 - Intralogistics - Pallet Conveyor Technology
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AS0306 - Drive Solutions for Circular Blending Beds

AS0306 - Drive Solutions for Circular Blending Beds
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CS0003 - Case Study Gondolas in Design

CS0003 - Case Study Gondolas in Design
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CS0010 - Case Study TMCI

CS0010 - Case Study TMCI
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CS0020 - MOPOS Case Study

CS0020 - MOPOS Case Study
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CS0031 - Case Study: DTS²

CS0031 - Case Study: DTS²
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F1300 - Complete drive solutions from a single source

F1300 - Complete drive solutions from a single source
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I8160 - Image brožúra - Predstavenie spoločnosti NORD

I8160 - Image brožúra - Predstavenie spoločnosti NORD
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S4200 - Der Antrieb, Reliable Flexible Internatiional

S4200 - Der Antrieb, Reliable Flexible Internatiional
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PL1021 - Zoznam dielov - UNICASE + NORDBLOC Ploché prevodovky

PL1021 - Zoznam dielov - UNICASE + NORDBLOC Ploché prevodovky
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PL1080 - Spare Parts List - Attachment Options

PL1080 - Spare Parts List - Attachment Options
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C010001 - Certificate DIN EN 9001 | ISO 9001 :2015

C010001 - Certificate DIN EN 9001 | ISO 9001 :2015
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C020006_3020 - EAC Declaration of conformity of Customs Union – Motors and geared motors – Getriebebau NORD GmbH

C020006_3020 - EAC Declaration of conformity of Customs Union – Motors and geared motors – Getriebebau NORD GmbH
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C020007_1319 - Certificate of conformity - motors and gearmotors - Getriebebau NORD GmbH

C020007_1319 - Certificate of conformity - motors and gearmotors - Getriebebau NORD GmbH
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C020007_2620 - Certificate of Conformity from NORD Gear Corporation

C020007_2620 - Certificate of Conformity from NORD Gear Corporation
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C020009 Gears RU - Certificate of conformity - gear - NORD Privody Russia

C020009 Gears RU - Certificate of conformity - gear - NORD Privody Russia
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C020009 Motors RU - Certificate of conformity - motors and gearmotors - NORD Privody Russia

C020009 Motors RU - Certificate of conformity - motors and gearmotors - NORD Privody Russia
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C020018_3018 - EAC Certificate of conformity for explosion proof gearboxes NORD - Zone 1 and 2 - No. 01100

C020018_3018 - EAC Certificate of conformity for explosion proof gearboxes NORD - Zone 1 and 2 - No. 01100
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C020019_3018 - EAC Certificate of conformity for explosion proof gearboxes NORD - Zone 22 - No. 01101

C020019_3018 - EAC Certificate of conformity for explosion proof gearboxes NORD - Zone 22 - No. 01101
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C060000 - MFG`s Declaration Within the Meaning of the RoHS Directive

C060000 - MFG`s Declaration Within the Meaning of the RoHS Directive
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C411000_3521 - Declaration of Conformity - ATEX 2D+2G | Gear Units

C411000_3521 - Declaration of Conformity - ATEX 2D+2G | Gear Units
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C411A20_2002 - EG-Type Test Certificate - ATEX 2G, 2D| KTR curved-tooth gear couplings

C411A20_2002 - EG-Type Test Certificate - ATEX 2G, 2D| KTR curved-tooth gear couplings
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C412000_3521 - Declaration of Conformity - ATEX 3D+3G|Gear units

C412000_3521 - Declaration of Conformity - ATEX 3D+3G|Gear units
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Certificate of Conformity: Motors & Gearmotors - NORD Russia - Certificate DIN EN 9001 / ISO 9001:2015 / NORD (China) Power Transmission Co. Ltd.

Certificate of Conformity: Motors & Gearmotors - NORD Russia - Certificate DIN EN 9001 / ISO 9001:2015 / NORD (China) Power Transmission Co. Ltd.
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EAC Certificate of Conformity for NORD Zone 21 and 22 - EAC Certificate of conformity for explosion proof motors gearboxes - Zone 21 and 22 - No. 01102

EAC Certificate of Conformity for NORD Zone 21 and 22 - EAC Certificate of conformity for explosion proof motors gearboxes - Zone 21 and 22 - No. 01102
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REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 - Manufacturer`s declaration within the meaning of the REACH Regulation

REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 - Manufacturer`s declaration within the meaning of the REACH Regulation
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ROHS Declaration of Conformity EU 2024 - ROHS Declaration of Conformity EU 2024

ROHS Declaration of Conformity EU 2024 - ROHS Declaration of Conformity EU 2024
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