Stockyard Systems
NORD drive solutions for bulk goods storage
Bulk goods are intermediately stored (and homogenised) in storage compound systems (longitudinal or rotary blending beds) or silos/bunkers before they are conveyed to the next process step. Different bulk goods require different plant arrangements that need customised drives. Thus, we rely on optimally matched components and flexible implementation of customer-specific design specifications.

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS offers complete drive solutions from a single source

Industrial Gear Unit
MAXXDRIVE® XC helisel redüktörler
Endüstriyel tip redüktörler
UNICASE konik dişli redüktörler
Güçlü ve kendini ispatlamış
BLOCK paralel milli motorlu redüktör
Zarif ve güçlü
Standart motorlar
Asenkron motorlar
NORDAC PRO - SK 500E - Frekans invertörü
Yüksek işlevsellik, tam güç
NORDAC FLEX - SK 200E - Frequency Inverter
Greater flexibility, lower costs
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