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NORD offers efficient drive technology for the food industry

Transporting, filling, packaging: there are countless processes in the food industry where drive technology is essential. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS offers tailor-made solutions that stand out for their high efficiency, sustainability and flexibility and thus contribute to a low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Brampton, ON, 2024-07-08

Bakeries, meat processing companies, breweries, fruit and vegetable companies, dairy and soft drink manufacturers and bottling plants are just a few sectors of the food industry in which NORD drive technology is successfully used worldwide. NORD geared motors and drive electronics set the most diverse processes in motion. This includes the supply and transport of raw materials and end products, mixing and stirring ingredients, filling cans, bottles and jars and the packaging and disposal of end products.

Significant savings can be achieved in processes in the food industry, especially with NORD's decentral drive technology. When used with decentral frequency inverters, such as the NORDAC ON, significantly fewer components such as switch cabinets are required and wiring and installation can be carried out more easily. Even if maintenance is required, decentral units can be easily replaced, preventing long-term downtime in the production process.

In addition, NORD drive technology is extremely efficient, allowing significant savings on energy bills. Research shows that the NORD IE5+ synchronous motor achieves efficiencies of up to 95%, many times better than the standard IE3 motors and even better than the strict IE4 standard. NORD's IE5+ motors set new standards.

The IE5+ synchronous motors achieve a constant torque over a wide speed range. This can significantly reduce the number of drive variants required in a system. This also means lower costs for maintenance, inventory management and administration and therefore a lower Total Cost of Ownership.

The innovative DuoDrive from NORD has been specially optimized for the requirements of the food industry. This patented geared motor combines a highly efficient IE5+ motor and a single-stage gear in one housing. This not only benefits high system efficiency. A smaller number of wearing parts and less maintenance effort also contribute to lower costs.

Various applications of drive technology in the food industry worldwide can be found on the NORD website. Click on the relevant links for more information or go to this link.

More information

For further information, please contact your NORD representative or the NORD Gear Ltd head office . in Brampton, ON.